Event/Location: TRANSPORT LOGISTIC, Munich / ITB, Berlin / WORLD ROUTES, worldwide
Area: 50-135 m²

For Fraport with its cargo division, the goal at TRANSPORT LOGISTIC was to welcome service providers and networkers from other airlines, to gain new partners and to further expand its network of logistics providers. FAIRNET's concept was to combine the most attention-grabbing and distinctive external appearance possible with the greatest possible functionality as the basis for internal communication and presentation.

Individual areas for the presentation of co-exhibitors, casual talks, hospitality and entertainment, calmer conversations in separate rooms, as well as a specially designed lounge as a place to retreat were linked together without interfering with each other. All areas were designed to function alongside, complementing each other, offering maximum benefit and creating the optimal platform for communication and exchange. The eye-catching ceiling construction not only carries the logo, messages and image pictures, but also effectively changes colour, thus creating optimal long-distance recognition in all directions. FRA-Cargo presented itself as an attractive service provider for customers and partners in the air as well.